One stop shop for all your Environmental Tesing of the POEM payload - vibration, shock, EMI/EMC and thermo-vacuum. Our facility is managed by ex-ISRO experts.
Payload Support
Ready to fly, subsystems for communication (downlink and uplink via RS485) with POEM, 28-36V input power mgmt, secondary back-up power board etc.
Tools and Consumables
Affordable pricing and no MOQ. From EMI tapes, torque tools, loctite, harness for your ETL tests, potting compound - available for use in your payload.
Emulator for POEM
Our emulator allows users to simulate POEM's RS485 protocol and dry-contact telecommands - ensuring thorough testing and validation of the payload before launch.
About POEM
PSLV Orbital Experiment Module (POEM) by ISRO is an orbital micro-gravity test bed based on spent fourth stage of PSLV. It has been modified to function as a satellite bus to qualify components, gain space heritage and conduct experiments in micro-gravity conditions.